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Explore LaSalle Business Directory

Thank you for choosing to locate your business in the Town of LaSalle. We appreciate your support of our community and the employment opportunities you create. We are proud of our community and want to ensure that your business thrives in our municipality. We also want our residents and visitors to be able to find the goods and services that are available in LaSalle. 

The LaSalle Business Directory features businesses located within the municipality. To ensure your business is included, please complete and submit this form. There is no charge to add your business to the directory, or to update the information if changes need to be made. 

You also have the option to create your own account and submit your business information or update a previous account. Visit our website to get started. Through this account, you can upload photos or a logo to add to your listing. 

Type of Business:

“Explore LaSalle” business email list

Privacy Statement: Personal information on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2001, and will be used for the purpose of updating the LaSalle Business Directory on the Town of LaSalle’s website. Questions about the collection of this information should be directed to the Director of Council Services/Clerk and can be reached at 519-969-7770.

- Thank You -