Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

New Dog Licence Application

*This application is for dogs residing in LaSalle, Ontario. For LaSalle Quebec, please visit*

*This form may only be used to register a new dog and make updates to existing account information. This form cannot be used to renew an existing dog license online.

**Submission of this form does not constitute full licensing. Payment must be received to issue a dog licence either online or by cheque, mail or in person.


Category Fees from January 1st to March 31st Fees from April 1st to December 31st 
Unaltered Dog $22 $44
Altered Dog $18 $36

**Please note that a 1.75% service charge will appear on your credit card statement as a separate transaction.

All dog licences expire on December 31st of each year.

Owner Information

I understand that I am submitting payment to register a dog or dogs in LaSalle, Ontario:
Submission Type (Select all that apply)
Do you have an existing dog licence account with the Town of LaSalle?
I understand that this form is only for the registration of a new dog and cannot be used to renew a dog licence online.

Privacy Statement: Personal Information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of issuing a lottery licence. Questions about the collection of this information should be directed to the Director of Council Services/Clerk, Town of LaSalle, 5950 Malden Road, LaSalle, ON, N9H 1S4. Telephone: 519-969-7770